Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pre-Lent Meditation 3: Who am I?

I am Sr. Mary Hasta.

Though no one who knows me personally will call me that. Sr. Mary Hasta is one of my anonymous identities, the person who can say things without all my past history getting in the way of the message.

Who am I?

I ask myself that sometimes, before I post on people's blogs. Is what I'm saying the message I want Sr. Mary Hasta to be known for? Inclusiveness, uniting the wings of the church, right and left, so maybe all our flapping can get this puppy off the ground? If it's not, then I try to post as my 'real' self.

I am Sr. Mary Hasta.

Is Sr. Mary Hasta not my real self? I mean, I'm typing these words. I'm trying to be the best Christian I can be. Pretending to be a nun... it's like pretending to be the perfect Christian. There's only one perfect person in the world, folks, and it's not me. Sorry to burst your bubble

Who am I?

I cuss. I drink, sometimes to excess. I've been known to smoke. I've been known to have sexual sins of many sizes and shapes. I have this vision of the various aspects of Christ's Body here on earth coming together to do some real good, to bring about God's Kingdom here on earth.

Can God use a sinful critter like me?

Can I become more than the sinful critter I am?


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