Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Spiritual Director is so much cooler than yours. Neener.

Names have been pseudonymed to protect the guilty (namely, your o'b't Sister).

Hey [Director Extraordinaire],
I'm having some issues with getting my rule of life revised. I know I'm supposed to have it to you by Sunday, but can I have another week?
[Sr. Mary Hasta, OSI]
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Hello [Sr. M-H],
What kind of trouble? External issues, or internal?
[D E, which doesn't mean Death Eater]
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[D E],
Some external stressors, but mostly internal. I'm just kinda hormonal and having mood swings of DOOM!, I think I only really need another week or so.
[Sr. M-H]
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[Sr. M-H],
You're letting your depression make you a wuss. In penance, listen to all of Hot August Nights II. When you get to Holly Holy, start writing again.

Think about it, if you create a rule that you can carry out when you're in one of these funks, then it'll be super-easy to carry out when you're better.
[D E]
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In a totally unrelated bit of news, not only is today the Asenscion of our Lord, not only is it the Feast of St. Bede, it is also the Feast of [St.] Douglas Adams, commonly known as Towel Day.


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